CETT-UB, Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy Avinguda Can Marcet 36-38, Barcelona
This hackathon aims to bring together people from diverse backgrounds to collaborate and develop cutting-edge technologies that enhance the tourism experience.
By leveraging the** Smart Design Thinking** methodology, participants will focus on human-centered design to address real-world challenges in the tourism industry.
The first Hackathon of technology in tourism
The CETT-UB Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy together with the Tech Tourism Cluster organize the first hackathon where they seek to address the challenges the tourism industry faces, through solutions proposed by the different participating teams.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Blockchain
Both lines will try to address the challenges that the tourism industry is facing, through solutions proposed by the different participating teams.
The hackathon will begin on November 28 at 6:00 p.m. at CETT-UB.
You can check the full congress program that includes the hackathon here.
Design Thinking by Smart method
Design thinking by the Smart Method consists of:
- Strategies | Define and understand the challenge
- Mapping | Generate a plan of innovative solutions
- Action | Develop and test prototypes
- Review | Evaluate and improve the proposed solutions
- Transmit | Communicate and present the definitive solutions and prototypes
This method is based on:
- Collaborate in multidisciplinary teams: diverse points of view create more solid and innovative proposals
- Interaction with colleagues and mentors throughout the project: early and continuous feedback helps prevent future missteps
- Cultivate disruptive ideas by thinking creatively: initial ideas are usually conventional; quantity can lead to the discovery of unique solutions
- Embrace fun: Pleasure sparks creativity and leads to brilliant ideas
- Multidisciplinary and collaborative teams.
- Definition of roles and tasks.
- Brainstorming sessions.
- Use of creative tools for idea generation.
- Building physical and/or digital models.
- Technical and market validation.
- Prototype evaluation, feedback, and final adjustments.
- Pitch preparation.
- Presentation to a panel of experts.
Where it will take place
El viernes 29 de noviembre la hackathon arrancará en el CETT-UB para más tarde trasladarse a la Residencia Àgora BCN donde los participantes crearán los equipos y trabajarán en sus soluciones innovadoras durante toda la noche. La hackathons seguirá el viernes en el CETT-UB.
El sábado por la mañana todos los participantes serán transportados en autobús a la sede de Vueling en Viladecans para las presentaciones finales y la entrega de premios.

Residència Àgora Barcelona Passeig dels Castanyers 21, Barcelona

Vueling Headquarters Viladecans Business Park, Edif. Brasil Carrer de Catalunya, 83, Viladecans