Photography from: Sommelier Classrooms | CETT
Universidad de Barcelona

Sommelier Classrooms

Aulas Sommeliers

Aulas Sommeliers

Aulas Sommeliers

Aulas Sommeliers

Aulas Sommeliers

Aulas Sommeliers

Photography from: Sommelier Classrooms | CETT
Photography from: Sommelier Classrooms | CETT
Photography from: Sommelier Classrooms | CETT

The Sommelier Classrooms are used in the sensory analysis of wines, beers and spirits. Students have all the tools available for the practice of tasting. It comes equipped with a wine refrigerator, a sink, and all the equipment that a sommelier must know how to use. The rooms' predominant colour is white which, in combination with the natural light, allows for a better discernment of the different wine shades and colours, respecting its visual value.