17th and 18th of January 2025
The School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism (University of the Algarve), the CETT Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy (University of Barcelona), the University of Caxias do Sul (Brazil) and the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) are pleased to announce the II International Conference on Literary and Film Tourism, to be held in Faro (Portugal) on January 17th and 18th, 2025.
The II International Conference on Literary and Film Tourism explores the intersection of Routes, Sustainability and Digital Media in literary and film tourism from various angles and perspectives: community engagement, stakeholders, literature, film industry, storytelling and cultural and natural heritage preservation.
Thematic lines
During this second edition of the International Conference on Literary and Film Tourism, different thematic lines will be discussed, such as:
You can download the full programme here

Professor Graham Busby
After several years in the tourism industry, Graham Busby joined Plymouth University in 1994 where he helped establish the BSc and MSc in Tourism Management. A number of PhD candidates were also supervised during this time. Industry liaison formed a key part and resulted in twelve month sandwich placements around the world. This led to publications concerning tourism management education. Partly influenced by this, he was appointed a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Running alongside teaching duties, he acted as a reviewer for thirty-three peer-reviewed journals and sat on a range of committees and boards.
Some of his research interests addressed literary or film tourism and a number of genres have been examined using a range of methodologies and innovative approaches. Since the 1998 Daphne du Maurier literary festival, a substantial body of published work has been established. As examples, resident research from Agatha Christie Country was followed by a survey of visitors to The Tailor of Gloucester, the shop based on Beatrix Potter’s children’s novel. Netnography was used for research into the effect of Winston Graham’s twelve Poldark novels with a conventional on-site survey at poet Lord Byron’s ancestral home, Newstead Abbey.
The first research concerning film tourism appeared in 2001 and reported the influence of Notting Hill on visitors to the area of central London. Steven Spielberg’s 2011 film War Horse was a feature of location research. Other research has examined the pre-production angle of a film yet to be made and considered literary and film tourism jointly via the impact of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin.
How to present a communication?
Authors can submit a paper individually or submit a panel proposal. The instructions for participation in each of these two modalities are as follows:
- Presentation proposals: The same document must include a 300-word abstract containing the title, objectives, methodology, results, conclusions, a list of ten references, the authors’ names and affiliations.
- Panel proposals: Each panel will consist of a minimum of 4 communications and a maximum of 6 communications on a common topic. The panels will have a maximum duration of two hours. The panel coordinator should send a document with the following information: the title of the panel, a 500-word abstract, a list of ten references, and the list of the authors and affiliations of the panellists participating in the panel. Each panellist should be registered by themself.
Presentation and panel proposals should be sent to litfilmtourismconferenceualg@gmail.com before October 20th 2024.
Conference languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English.
Presentation length: 15 minutes
The Congress has collaboration agreements with various academic journals.
Authors are invited to submit full manuscripts (max. 10,000 words) to litfilmtourismconferenceualg@gmail.com for consideration by the Organising Committee. The deadline for submission of papers is 31 January 2025.
Depending on each article's research area and relevance, authors might be invited to submit them to one of the following journals:
Conference fees
Advance registration (until November 15th):
- Authors: 130 euros
- Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD students: 50 euros
Late registrations (from 16th November 2024 until the 16th of December):
- Authors: 160 euros
- Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD students: 80 euros
The congress registration fee includes participation in the congress, lunch, coffee breaks during the congress, participation certificates, and congress documentation.
All authors participating in the congress must pay the relevant fee.
The registration payment should be made to the following bank account: 0205011530930 (Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Universidade do Algarve, BIC SWIFT CGDIPTPL, IBAN PT50003502050001153093087). The transfer receipt must be sent by email to litfilmtourismconferenceualg@gmail.com
All participating authors must also register through this link.
3HB Hotel (www.3hb.com) offers a 10% discount to the conference participants. If you wish to book a room with them, email their reservations department (faro@3hb.com), quoting the booking code ICLFT2025.
Hotel Eva Senses (https://ap-hotelsresorts.com/eva/) offers a 15% discount on their flexible rate and 10% on the non-refundable rate. To book an email to book.eva@ap-hotelsresorts.com, quoting the code CITLC012025, until December 30 2024.

Conference Venue
The congress will take place in building number 9, Complexo Pedagógico e Anfiteatros at Campus PENHA.
Scientific Comittee

This conference is financed with national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology. More info.