Regulations for continuing studies

The rules for continuation of studies regulate the conditions for enrolment and the minimum credit requirements that students must pass in order to continue their studies.  

This standard is based on the guidelines established by the University of Barcelona approved by its Social Council on 26 July 2012 and amended on 5 March 2020. 

The basic elements of these rules are based on two variables: the number of credits required for enrollment and the number of credits that must be passed. 

Furthermore, there are different requirements for the first year of enrollment and subsequent years. 

Finally, the center, through its Director, has the power to reasonably and impartially resolve any exceptional situations in accordance with the interests and needs of each student's education, as well as to deal with any personal cases that it sees fit to resolve. 

Scope of application 

This regulation applies to all students studying Bachelor's and Master's degrees at the EUHT CETT-UB. 

Credit Calculation 

Recognized and transferred credits do not count as passed credits for the purposes of minimum enrollment, and are also not taken into consideration in terms of the number of credits the student must enroll in. 

Continuing studies and attention to students 

Prior to the enrolment period, the faculty must inform students, especially new students, of the Continuing Studies Regulation, and must guide them on the number of credits they must enroll for, in accordance with their dedication to their studies. 

Likewise, the centre must establish a line of preventive action that pays special attention to students who may be affected by the Continuing Studies Regulation, both after the first semester for students taking 30 or 60 credits, as well as for those who have not passed 50% of the credits enrolled. 

Failure to comply with the provisions on continuance 

Students who do not comply with the conditions for continuance established in this regulation must drop out of the Bachelor's or Master's degree in which they were enrolled. 

In order to be able to continue their studies, they must submit a request to the Coordination of Studies which, after assessing the supporting documentation, resolves the exceptional requests. 

In the event that the Coordination of Studies decides that the student cannot continue, the student may apply again for admission to the degree, once two consecutive academic years have elapsed without having enrolled. 


Bachelor’s Degree 

 Conditions for Enrolment and Continuation of Studies 

Conditions of enrolment and continuation of studies during the first year of admission to a degree course: 

  • The first year that a student is admitted to an undergraduate degree at the EUHT CETT-UB, must enroll in either 60 credits (full time), or 30 credits (part time) 
  • If students have enrolled 60 credits: at the end of the first year they must have passed at least 18 in order to continue their studies. 
  • If students have enrolled 30 credits: at the end of the first year they must have passed at least 6 in order to continue their studies. 


Students in their second or consecutive year of studies and for first-year students who have previously studied, in whole or in part, other university studies at any university. 

  • Student must enroll in between a minimum of 18 credits (unless they have fewer remaining to complete their studies) and a maximum of 60. 
  • Full time students: when enrolled in between 46 and 60 credits 
  • Part time students: when enrolled in between 18 and 45 credits

 Students may be authorized by the EUHT CETT-UB Director to enroll in more than 60 credits (up to a maximum of 75) in an academic year, as long as they are not in a grace period. 

  • Exceptionally, and when it is justified, Academic Coordination, though an express ruling, may authorize a student to enroll in more than 75 credits, up to a maximum of 78 per academic year, with the same limitation of a maximum of 60 new credits. In this case, the student must fill in the following form. 
  • If a student would like to enroll in mandatory credits from a higher year, he or she must also enroll in all of the pending mandatory credits from lower years. 
  • The second consecutive year of effective enrolment in which a student does not pass at least 50% of the enrolled credits, cannot remain in the degree under normal circumstances. 
  • If the student, at the end of the course, has not reached the required number of credits, he/she will not be able to continue his/her studies, and may request an exceptional course by means of a written request to the Coordination of Studies of the Degree. 
  • If the student is authorised to enrol during the year of grace, he/she may only enrol for a maximum of 60 credits between the suspended credits and the new credits. 
  •  When the student has less than 10% of the credits left to finish the degree, he/she must register for them entirely. 

 In 240-credit bachelor's degrees, students who take the degree full-time have a maximum of seven years of effective enrolment to complete their studies. 

For the purposes of the previous sections, the studies are taken full time when during the first five years of effective enrolment an annual average of 46 credits or more is enrolled; when this average is less than 46 credits, it is understood that the studies are taken part time.   


Finishing students 

A "finishing" student is a student who in enrolling in the last 75 credits they need to complete their studies. 

Students who have passed at least 165 credits and who have enrolled in all of their remaining credits have the following rights in order to help them finalize their studies: 

  • In the second semester, they can re-enroll in a course that they did not pass during the first semester. 
  • In the above case, in the second semester students must enroll in all of the credits remaining for them to finish their studies. 

Within this group, if students have just 24 credits remaining to finish their studies they: 

  • Must enroll in all of the credits they need to finish their degree 
  • Have the right to request an extraordinary exam, in single assessment, if there is no offer with teaching in both semesters. This must be requested during enrollment at the beginning of the year. 

Exceptionally, an undergraduate student who fails to pass the Final Degree Project and up to a maximum of 9 ECTS credits will be allowed access to enroll in a Master's Degree, although in no case will the student be able to obtain the Master's degree if the student has not previously obtained a Bachelor's degree.


Dropping out of undergraduate studies 

A student is considered to have dropped out of the degree when two consecutive academic years have passed without him/her having enrolled. 

If the student has dropped out after having passed some credits, he/she must apply in writing for readmission to the Coordination of Studies, who will decide the conditions under which the student may continue his/her studies. 


Students on Academic Study Abroad Programs 

Students participating in study abroad programs are exempt from fulfilling the requirements established in the Minimum Enrollment Rules for the year they are studying at another university. 

Only under these circumstances are students allowed to enroll in up to a maximum of 75 credits, which may all be new. 

Grace period student: Coordination of Studies and the International Development Service will assess whether a student who is in a situation of grace can participate in a mobility program. 



Scope of Application 

This section applies to all students studying for a Master's University degree at the EUHT CETT-UB. 

Conditions for Enrolment and Continuation of Studies 

Student can enroll in a minimum of 20 credits (unless if they have fewer left to complete the master's) and a maximum of 60 credits between the two semesters of the academic year. 

Students who enroll in between 20 and 48 credits follow a part-time schedule, and those who enroll in above 49 follow a full-time schedule. 

Exceptionally, and when it is justified, the Master's Coordination of Studies, though an express ruling, may authorize a student to enroll in fewer than 20 credits, down to a minimum of 18 credits per academic year. 

Exceptionally, an undergraduate student who fails to pass the Final Degree Project and up to a maximum of 9 ECTS credits will be allowed access to enroll in a Master's Degree, although in no case will the student be able to obtain the Master's degree if the student has not previously obtained a Bachelor's degree.

Credits to be passed 

Students must pass a minimum of 50% of the credits they are enrolled in during the two semesters of the prior academic year. 

Students who do not meet this requirement must request a grace period in order to receive a favorable report from the Coordination of the Master's and be able to enroll again. 

Dropping out of undergraduate studies 

A student is considered to have dropped out of a Master's degree when two consecutive academic years have passed without him/her having enrolled. 

If the student has dropped out of the course, he/she must apply in writing for readmission to the Coordination of Studies, who will decide the conditions under which he/she may continue his/her studies. 

Updated  June, 2023