Inauguration of the 54th academic year 2023-2024

Inauguration of the 54th academic year 2023-2024

The Inaugural Event of the 54th academic year of CETT will take place on October 25th at 13:00 in the Grand Catalonia Hall of the Alimara Barcelona Hotel.

Maria Cusó, a journalist, will be the host of the event and will welcome Dr. Maria Abellanet i Meya, President of CETT, who will address the attendees. Dr. Joan Guàrdia, MgFc. Rector of the University of Barcelona, will conclude the event with some words.

Inaugural Lecture with Paula Fernández-Ochoa

The inaugural lecture under the title "I Don't Have the Strength to Give Up" will be delivered by Paula Fernández-Ochoa. Fernández-Ochoa is a consultant and the founder of +MoreThanLaw and VivircorRiendo.

She also is member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Royal Federation of Winter Sports and is a speaker in companies, forums, and organizations. Additionally, she acts as an ambassador for brands and charitable projects and is a co-author of the book "La Montaña y la vida" published by Ed. Desnivel in 2018, which explores the mountain as a powerful catalyst of emotions.

What are your challenges?

For Paula Fernández-Ochoa, the most recent has been finishing the Marathon Des Sables. Few of us could think that she started running in 2013 and only ten years later she's doing ultramarathons.

Her motto is "Que a reír no te gane nadie" which roughly translates to "Don't let anyone beat you at laughing. That is she lives life with intensity cor RIENDO, running and laughing in Spanish. This is how she understands well-being, as the cornerstone of success. We will have the privilege of listening to her in an inaugural lesson where she will talk about the values of sport beyond sport: the ability to strive and overcome, to work as a team, and to respect others.

Get ready to be inspired to become your best self!

Confirm your attendance to the invitation we have sent you through the Virtual Campus or here. You have until Sunday, October 22nd at 11:59 PM. Limited spots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis upon confirmation

Note: This event will be in Catalan & Spanish.

Lliçó Inaugural