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2022 Editon

2022 Editon

The digitization of tourism companies and destinations and technology-based management, innovation, and knowledge are crucial to achieving sustainable, responsible, and quality tourism. This is one of the main conclusions reached at the IV CETT Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona, which was held between November 10 and 11, 2022.

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2020 Edition

2020 Edition

Knowledge, sustainability, technology, solutions, and trust: the five axes of the III CETT Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona, which took place on November 11 and 12, 2020 in virtual format. The conference is aimed at entrepreneurs, academics, industry professionals and students. They highlight the value of cooperation as a key element for the recovery of tourism, and the importance of research.

Press release

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2018 Edition

2018 Edition

The second edition of the Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona (STCB) took place between the 21st and the 23rd of November. Organized by the Chair of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy CETT-UB, three days aimed at entrepreneurs, academics and professionals in the tourism sector. The congress, focused on innovation, sustainability, technology, and governance, has gone beyond what technology can do for tourism.

Press release

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2016 Edition

2016 Edition

The first edition was held between November 9th and 11th of this year, professional and academic experts from around the world to discuss the effects, opportunities and trends of smart tourism. Biannual, in this first edition, 100 delegates attended, 50% of which were from outside the State.

Press release (in spanish)

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