Contributing to the development of the industry:
Maintaining the close and constant links between our business units and tourism development.
Providing dynamism, anticipation and ability to adapt to change, always backing innovation and entrepreneurial initiative.
Developing expert knowledge in tourism, encouraging the most important research and investigation for the industry.
Contributing to personal development:
Situating the person in the centre of our organization, encouraging professional growth and self-learning, connecting the development of the organisation with that of the people who form part of it.
Directing the organisation towards the client, through the maximum specialisation of services, corporative sensitivity and the human touch in dealing with our clients, both external and internal.
Our identity:
Academic excellence: achieved through the maximum rigour and critical sense present both in the contents and teaching of our training schemes.
Our own training scheme: based on specialisation in the tourist industry, training in professional values and the development of skills both in the classroom and in our applied training companies.
Independence: guaranteed by the fact of being a private centre, fully auto- financed, which nevertheless enjoys the recognition of the University of Barcelona, with which it collaborates actively.
Building our country: understanding respect for our language as a contribution to multiculturalism, as befits an organisation with a clear international orientation.
Solidarity: of an organisation with its own grant scheme, involved in international cooperation projects with developing countries.
Sustainability: incorporating respect for the environment in all the organisation’s activities, through management systems that guarantee sustainability in our growth.
Building our school: understood as our firm commitment to implant our corporate principles and values into all our business units, making our identity an added value which is evident in the provision of our services.