CETT is born. The Ministerio de Información y Turismo gives to CETT the title of Centro no oficial de Enseñanzas Turísticas legalmente reconocido.
It takes place the first course of Technician of Tourist Companies (TET).
It takes place the first course of Technician of tourist Companies and Activities (TEAT).
Century Travel is born.
Alimara Awards 1st Edition.
Inscription to the Official School of Tourism of the Catalan Government.
Creation of the CETT's Hotel School at Hotel Plaza.
Creation of the Association of CETT Alumni.
Opening of Hotel Alimara.
Opening of CETT's new installations at Vall d'Hebron.
Approval of the Diplomature studies and inscription to the University of Barcelona. Authorization for the official teaching of Vocational Training Courses in hospitality and tourism. Official vocational training qualification awarded by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Honour Plate of Tourism of Catalonia awarded to CETT.
Creation of the Gaspar Espuña-CETT Foundation. Distintive Certificate of environmental quality guarantee for the Hotel Alimara.
1st Meeting School-University-Company at CETT.
EUHT CETT's ISO 9001 Certification, and Hotel Alimara's ISO 14001 Certification and EMAS of environmental management.
Opening and management of the Naturalment-e Restaurant. 1st Edition of Enteepreneurship Award Contest in the Tourist Sector.
1st High School Tourism Research Papers Awards. The Generalitat de Catalunya gives the Creu de Sant Jordi to Mr. Gaspar Espuña.
Opening of Àgora BCN, international university residence.
Approval of Official Masters in Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy CETT-UB.
Creation of the CETT-UB Business Council.
Starting of Tourism Degree studies. Production of the first CSR report. Publication of the ARA, Journal of Tourism Research.
Constitution of the CSR Committee. Creation of Barcelona Academic Services (BAS). Refurbishment of the Alimara Hotel.
Creation of the UB-Bullipedia.CETT space. Creation of CETT eLearning. Expansion of CETT facilities.
Start of the Interuniversity Degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences (UB-UPC). The Department of Business and Employment and the General Directorate of Tourism awarded Dr. Maria Abellanet i Meya, CEO of the CETT Group, the Gold Medal of Tourism 2014 in the category 'Improvement of Knowledge'.
Creation of the CETT-UB Chair of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy. CETT's Restaurant Services receive AMED accreditation.
Agreement between CETT and University of Barcelona to promote the PhD education of doctors in tourism. Second expansion of the CETT Campu's facilities. Birth of the Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona CETT.
New expansion of the facilities of the CETT-UB Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy Campus, with new 1,600 m2 and more than 2,000 m2 remodelled. Campus Strategic Plan 2017-2022.
Recognition, by AGAUR, of the Tourism, Culture and Territory Research Group and the Tourist Accommodation and Restoration Research Group as Emerging Research Groups recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya. II Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona CETT.
Celebration of CETT's 50th anniversary. Presentation of the new brand.
The Hotel Alimara celebrates its 25th anniversary.
Approval of the Bachelor Degree in Digital Business and Tourism.