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Un turisme més sostenible, un dels reptes del sector per al 2021

Máster en Dirección de Empresas Turísticas Turisme

El nou any planteja grans reptes a tota la societat i especialment al sector del turisme. La recuperació de la crisi arran de la COVID-19 és la principal fita d’un sector que, sens dubte, ha d‘incloure l’aposta per la sostenibilitat. Aquesta és la qüestió que ha tractat Gente Viajera Catalunya, d’Onda Cero, en un dels primers programes de l’...

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Research at CETT-UB: more than 150 activities during the academic year 2019-2020

Research CETT Tourism Hospitality Gastronomy TURCiT GRATiR GRCiG

Cultural tourism, tourism sustainability, efficiency, and productivity in tourist accommodations and restaurants, and gastronomic innovation have been the main research lines. During the academic year 2019-2020, CETT-UB carried out more than 150 research-related activities in its areas of expertise: tourism, hospitality, and gastronomy. Cultural tourism, tourism sustainability, efficiency an...

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El talento digital en el sector Travel Tech

Turism0 tecnología TIC empresa formación

Uno de los principales retos de las industrias tecnológicas es la captación y la retención del talento digital, un reto que es compartido por el sector traveltech. En este sentido, la iniciativa Clúster TIC Turism o ha organizado un acto para conocer los datos y las conclusiones del informe “ El talento digital en el sector Travel Tech ” y contar, asimismo, co...

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Sustainability and management of destinations become the focus of more than 200 research activities carried out at CETT-UB during the 2018-2019 academic year

Investigación memoria CETT TURCiT Turismo Cultura Territorio GRATiR Alojamientos Turisticos Restauración GRCiG Cocina Gastronomía

• The main goal of these projects is to bring value to the sector through applied research and to gain academic knowledge Sustainability, management of destinations, film tourism and the adaption into digital environments have been the key res...

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Sign up to the new edition of the Buddy Program!

Buddy Program International Experience Student Bachelor's Degree in Tourism Bachelor's Degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences

WHAT IS A BUDDY? As local Buddy , you will form part of the welcoming process of international students coming to CETT-UB to study in the Bachelor’s Degrees in Tourism or in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences during one or two semesters. You̵...

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